June 26, 2024

Tennessee Titans v Houston Texans

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Aside from one minor lapse from head coach David Culley, the Texans have actually not fluctuated in their position that quarterback Deshaun Watson is not offered for a trade.

However when Culley utilized the 2 magic words– “right now“– to explain Watson’s status with Houston recently, it indicated the group may understand trading Watson remains in the company’s benefit.

In accepting sign quarterback Tyrod Taylor to an incentive-laden deal worth as much as a reported $12.5 million, the Texans have actually crafted an insurance coverage for the video game’s essential position. If Houston were to trade Watson, they would a minimum of have Taylor as a signal-caller with 47 video games of beginning experience. Plus, Taylor dealt with Houston’s quarterbacks coach/passing video game planner Pep Hamilton with the Chargers in 2015, so there’s familiarity with the group’s personnel.

However as Peter King explained on Tuesday’s episode of PFT PM, the Texans generating Taylor might likewise be a message of, “Proceed and sit,” to Watson.

Watson would sustain substantial punitive damages if he were to remain the 2021 season rather of betting Houston. However he and the Texans are plainly at a deadlock. If Jalen Ramsey— who shares a representative with Watson– is to be thought, the quarterback is “extremely serious” about not dressing for the Texans once again.

By signing Taylor, the Texans might be signifying they want to part with Watson for the best cost. Or they simply may be additional digging in their heels in their position that Watson will be their quarterback or he will not play– whether he likes it or not.