June 26, 2024

Limp Bizkit guitar player Wes Borland, who belonged to Marilyn Manson‘s band in between August 2008 and May 2009, has actually discussed the claims of abuse directed at the vocalist.

Previously today, starlet Evan Rachel Wood publicly accused Manson of abusing her throughout their relationship in the late 2000s, declaring that the vocalist “groomed” her as a teen prior to he “horrifically mistreated’ and “persuaded” her.

Discussing Manson on the Twitch channel Space Zebra Live, Borland states, “He’s not a terrific man. And each and every single thing that individuals have actually stated about him is fucking real. So unwind about the claims towards the ladies. Like when individuals state these ladies are following him today … fuck off, they are speaking the fact.

” I’m sorry to everybody on this podcast today who does not like this. However that man, he’s exceptionally skilled, however he’s screwed up and he requires to be put in check and he requires to get sober and he requires to come to terms with his devils.

” He is a bad fucking man, and I existed when he was with Evan Rachel Wood. I was at his home. It’s not fucking cool, which’s all I’m gon na state about it. So if anybody is following these women and going like, ‘You blah blah blah blah blah, this and that,’ fuck you! That’s all I’m gon na state.

” Sorry to take this to a dark location, however that man is canceled. Farewell, do not let the door hit you en route out.”

Wood’s post triggered a number of other ladies to share comparable claims versus Manson, who was subsequently dropped by his record label, Loma Vista Recordings.

Manson’s accusers likewise got support from his former fiancé, Rose MacGowan, who published on Instagram, stating, “I stand with Evan Rachel Wood and other brave ladies who have actually stepped forward. It takes years to recuperate from abuse and I send them strength on their journey to healing. Let the fact be exposed. Let the recovery start.”

In a subsequent advancement, California State Senator Susan Rubio required Performing Attorney general of the United States Monty Wilkinson and FBI director Christopher Wray to investigate the allegations made against Manson.

Manson has taken to Instagram to refute the allegations, stating, “Undoubtedly my art and life have actually long been magnets for debate, however these current claims about me are awful distortions of truth. My intimate relationships have actually constantly been totally consensual with similar partners. No matter how– and why– others are now picking to misrepresent the past, that is the fact.”

When Metal Hammer asked Marilyn Manson to react to the claims of abuse throughout an interview in late 2020, he hung up on our journalist Manson’s agents turned down a request for the vocalist to do another interview to clarify his story. “We have actually recommended our customer not to comment even more on your post,” stated Manson’s spokesperson.